Several people choose payday loans to avoid costly bounced check fees and late payment penalties. Direct payday lenders provide cheap payday loans at the fraction of the cost of indirect lenders. Though you can ask for a loan that will meet your needs, direct lenders will only approve the actual amount after considering your income and repayment ability. For example, if your income is $1000 per month you cannot request for a $900 or S1000 loan. When you repay the loan you will have to pay the loan amount plus the interest and other charges, and the lender will also assume that you have other financial obligations to meet. So they decide on how much you can get as a loan. Payday lenders simply require you to have a job. Prior to approving your loan they will verify with your office either through a phone call or an email. This means the information you provide on the application form should be thorough and truthful.
